Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Further developments.

I checked the gravity of the wort yesterday: around 1.015.  This is exactly where it's supposed to be; I will be bottling it up tomorrow.

I'm debating picking up more equipment.  I found a large ultra-cheap strainer (a flat one, not a curved one like most use) at Big Lots for $3.50.  I'm thinking I might want a fermenting bucket (rather than a second carboy) so I can do dry-hopping easier for this next beer I'm contemplating.

Also, it seems that hop pellets are great to use, but for dry-hopping, I could be better off with actual hops themselves.  I may swing by another homebrew store in Rochester to see what they've got available.


Related but not: a friend of mine is hooking me up with a font that I need to start work on my labels/logos for my beer.  Once I get something drawn up via Photoshop, I'll post it.

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